Studio Fix is South Kensington’s most prestigious and exclusive fitness studio. Studio 1 is the tranquil yoga studio, with subtle circadian lighting and a high fidelity background audio system.

The intention for this studio was to create a relaxing environment with a sound system designed for exceptional, low-level sound suitable for meditative yoga and barre classes. 

The space features wrap around windows which have fully controllable blinds that can be tilted to preset positions as the sun moves around the building keeping the interior cool and maintaining a level of privacy from neighbouring buildings.

The changing rooms were designed to offer a similarly serene atmosphere whilst implementing lighting that is both flattering and suitable for makeup application.


The studio features tuneable lighting allowing the environment to match the daylight colour, providing either vibrant whites to maximise users energy levels or soft warm lighting to provide a calming and relaxing environment.


The clear audio system accepts audio inputs from instructors personal devices as well as a dedicated music source. It also features automatic music volume reduction when the radio microphones are used.


Each of these elements requires control and via the wall mounted touch panels the instructors can select predefined lighting, audio, window blind settings and temperature settings to suit their particular style and class specifications.


Supply of light fittings

Lighting installation commissioning

Lighting sytem programming

Audio-visual design & installation

IT design & installation

completed projects
happy clients
project duration