Studio Fix is South Kensington’s most prestigious and exclusive fitness studio. Studio 2  is the Lagree Megaformer studio. Now one of the studio’s most popular spaces, it required its own identity and dynamic environment defined through lighting and sound.

The industrial interior is brought to life with immersive, colour change lighting behind mirrors and ceiling rafts. The reformers themselves have custom lighting concealed below to provide a soft, indirect light emphasising the serious nature of the equipment and the associated work-outs.  The audio system is capable of providing distortion free sustained high sound levels to further the experience.


The powerful audio system accepts audio inputs from instructors personal devices as well as a dedicated music source. It also feature automatic music volume reduction when the raid microphones are used.


The studio features colour change lighting with each reformer being individually controllable allowing the instructor to isolate a focus on any one machine for a demonstration of technique.


All of this requires control and via the wall mounted touch panels the instructors can select predefined lighting, audio and temperature settings to suit their particular style and class.


Lighting design & installation

Audio installation & commissioning

Control system design & installation

completed projects
happy clients
project duration